Database setup error

grapplin wrote on Monday, May 16, 2005:

I am trying to install the latest tarball. I am getting the following error:

Connecting to MySQL Server…
Warning: mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client in /var/www/html/openemr_test/setup.php on line 155
ERROR. Check your login credentials.

Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client (#1251)

I have several copies of Openemr v2.6.5ea running on this development server.
Have the PHP requirements changed? I seem to be running PHP v4.3.2.


tekknogenius wrote on Wednesday, May 18, 2005:

This thread seems similar to your problem. See last posting:

sankar1234 wrote on Monday, May 23, 2005:

I am not sure if you got the setup working or not.  The client authentication problem got fixed when I used an extra SQL statement "set password"  after connecting to the database.  But you not need this if you go php4. 

if you are still having problem,  call me.  I will try to identify the problem.