gutiersa wrote on Saturday, September 22, 2012:
I have seen in admin, layouts, history screen that there are “life style” and “smoking status” data types defined.
I want to create a new data type: family members. how do I do that?
thanks sandra
gutiersa wrote on Saturday, September 22, 2012:
I have seen in admin, layouts, history screen that there are “life style” and “smoking status” data types defined.
I want to create a new data type: family members. how do I do that?
thanks sandra
spencerr1 wrote on Tuesday, April 08, 2014:
I also am wondering how to make the problem list data type simular to the data type Patient Allergies which brings in the patients allergies.
fsgl wrote on Tuesday, April 08, 2014:
Administration/Lists/Allergy Issue List, add & save.
spencerr1 wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2014:
I don’t have the Administration/Lists/Allergy Issue List.
I am wondering how to add a data type like the Patient Allergies data type.
I would like to make a data type that would bring in the patients problem list
blankev wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2014:
Only the Administrator and Super have the right to make changes in Administration??? (is my guess…, but there is an option in the latest versions to add during encounters.
blankev wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2014:
Best option to do if not a dentist, rename Dental issues in Other issues (Family members, or whatever).
Could also make en new Issue List in Administration List => Add new, but this does not show in the New encounter page and might need a programmer to get it included.
I did not give it a try, but inclusion in NationNotes might be another nice option.
spencerr1 wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2014:
O.K. thanks for your help.
fsgl wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2014:
Go to Left Navigation Menu -> Administration -> Lists -> Allergy Issue List, add allergies and save. See screenshot.
To add an Issue, Administration/Lists/Issue Types, add and save. See screenshot-1.