Data not saved in Functional and Cognitive Status and Observation forms

Hi @brady.miller,

In Functional and Cognitive Status Form, After Adding Description,Date,etc and clicking on save it redirects to the Encounter summary screen.Then editing the same form, shows the Empty fields i.e the data is not saved to the form. While saving the form with the Code field as empty, There is no validation error message stating “Code cannot be empty”,etc. The above is also detected in Observation form.

Attached the screen shots about the issue. Kindly check the attachments.


@robert.down or @MatthewVita
Is there any way you could set up a couple categories for reporting issue for those that make the effort to so clearly report the same. Maybe a category for current development issues and one for released version issues.
I try to look for issues whenever i’m in the code doing something else and separate categories just make it easier to remember or search issues.

The best solution would be to check github issues. We try to triage issues here and if it really is a bug we file it into github, otherwise we try to find a solution for the problem

Hi @brady.miller,

Our suggestion is ,Code field should be make it as mandatory one .because in coding part ,if code field is empty it does not allow insertion.
