Data not displayd in Inventory Management pag

rmishler100 wrote on Sunday, February 17, 2013:

I have uploaded the pharmacy inventory information into the database and it is displayed correctly in the database. The expiration date does not show up in the Inventory Management page. The data upload occured with no error messages. The date format is correct based on the documentation (yyyy/mm/dd).
What am I missing?
Thanks for your help.

visolveemr wrote on Monday, February 18, 2013:

Hello Richard,

Can you clarify the following .
* have you checked the imported data ? is expiration date is inserted with the specified format ?
* Only expiration date not displayed or entire inserted data not displayed ?


kodusote wrote on Monday, February 18, 2013:


Can you also give more details on how you imported the pharmacy inventory information and what was the source of the information?

Entering the drug lot received into the on-site warehouse manually displays all the fields including Expiry date in the drug inventory table…


rmishler100 wrote on Tuesday, February 19, 2013:

Hello Ranjith. Thank for for helping with this issue.
The date is in the specified format (yyyy/mm/dd). The expiration date and the on-hand information are not displayed. The following fields are displayed: Name, Act, Form Size, Unit, New. The Expires field is blank. The on-hand field does not show up in the form. It would be very helpful to show the on-hand amounts in this form as well.

Hello Kayode. Thanks for your help. I imported the inventory information using the Import button on the PHPAdmin interface from the drug_inventory table. The source of the information was an Excel spreadsheet I received that had the current inventory information. I saved the spreadsheet as a CSV file and it was imported with no errors. When I look at the data using the Examine button I see all the correct data. There were no drug lots associated with the data.


visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, February 19, 2013:

Hello Richard,

I suspect, "Name, Act, Form Size, Unit, New. " values inserted properly and these values in the “Drugs” table.  Drugs and Inventory tables related with “drug_id”.  Make sure, your inventory table has the correct drug_id that points the drugs table.

And “destroy_date” field in the drug_inventory table should be null to display the data. so make sure this field is Nul. (If 0000-00-00 is there, make it NULL and Check).


rmishler100 wrote on Tuesday, February 19, 2013:

Hello Ranjith. Yest the drug_inventory table has a 1 to 1 ID relationship with the drug table. The destroy_ date is set to null and and displays correctly if I look at the content of the table through PHPAdmin. I can see the on-hand amount the the Expiration date if I look directly at the data in the table.
The problem is that the expiration date and the on-hand amount do not show up if I go into Inventory/Management. The Expires field exist but it is empty and the On-Hand field does not exist in Inventory/Management (even though the data is visible in the inventory table.

visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, February 19, 2013:


If possible, can you paste the sample row  in drugs and appropriate drug_inventory row which is  not displayed.
