Billing issue:
We are finding some balance issues that are showing up on the dashboard.
We are finding that the Patient Balance Due and Insurance Balance Due are incorrect. This does not occur in all patients. Insurances do not seem to matter either.
My biller wrote this: When posting a payment to patient account, it shows applied to that date of service, when you look at the patient account through the posting screen. On the Dashboard it is showing not applied to the date of service and showing patient has a credit.
In one cash patient his Patient Balance Due on the Dashboard shows -120.00 and Insurance Balance Due is 120.00 though they have paid at every encounter with cash. In this patient’s case the Total Balance Due shows 0.00
Patient Balance Due: -120.00
Insurance Balcance Due: 120.00
Total Balance Due: 0.00
A patient today (BC/BS) paid 61.22 and has an insurance balance of 33.78. On the Dashboard it shows
Patient Balance Due: -61.22
Insurance Balcance Due: 95.00
Total Balance Due: 33.78
Any Ideas please.
Jeff Guillory
Family Nurse Practitioner
Lumberton, TX
OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 5.0.2(2)
I’m using: chrome and firefox
Operating System
I’m using: Ubuntu 16.04