CVS Demo version

blankev wrote on Friday, May 15, 2009:


Would it be possible that there is some kind of initial information loaded into the tables of the CVS Demo, I get so tired of inserting my demographics and all other fields needed to experiment to see how the different parts of OEM work as suggested in the forums? Every table with three rows filled would solve many repeat insert of little bit of information.


bradymiller wrote on Friday, May 15, 2009:

ahh, but your providing OpenEMR with the daily service of testing to ensure the simple demographics and other basic fundamentals are working. I bet you didn’t even realize you were contributing to the project by simply entering in this stuff on a daily basis; your a tester without even knowing it. Sorry, we can’t pay you for your services, but we can offer you free use of OpenEMR…

Seriously, though, one of the main goals of the cvs demo is to give out of box behavior to allow testing of the most current cvs code.  I’d rather not sidestep anything to ensure everything gets well tested.

We do provide production version demos at setup for use.


tmccormi wrote on Friday, May 15, 2009:

You can always do a full mysql dump of the data you entered and then import it back in the next time.

This is very easy to do in PhpMyAdmin and I do it all the time.  Using the export database feature and the SQL import from text file.
