Customize Tree / Views?

dgold123 wrote on Wednesday, May 04, 2011:

Before I try to hack the code, is there a clean/GUI Maybe way to customize the items show in the menus?

1) For example, can I remove “Review of Systems” from the Visit Forms Tree?

2) For example, can I remove Syndromic Surveillance from the Reports / Visits Tree?

3) Can I do these per group / user type or is it global?

Note:  If I view source, I can see some of the items, but I don’t know where they are pulling from.   For example, Where does it get Patient/Client from?  Can I change it to Client?


visolveemr wrote on Thursday, May 05, 2011:

At present, openemr does not have any GUI for customizing the left navigation menus.
It can only be done through changing the code in interface/main/left_nav.php file.

We can set the menus as per group/user type  using acl_check functions
Hope this helps.

ViCarePlus Team,