I have been customizing a document template, so far I have done a LBF to get a customized pulmonary function test. I am working in 7.0.0 (2).
I want to display encounter date as day of month of year in spanish, for example if encounter was in august 26th, 2023, I want it to show as 26 de 08 de 2023, generally spoken “de” “de” . - I am using {DOS} and it shows as day/month/year.
Also I wish to show who was the medician or provider who attended the pacient, I am trying to set a provider, but each time I reopen my LBF it is in blank again. What are the steps to set which provider did attend a test? How can I show it in my template? I have set provider and referring provider in demographics | choices, but I wish to be able to use which provider fill up the test.
I wonder, how can I get patient age, I have date of birth {PatientDOB}, any advice?
I have followed some community threads, I want to give public thanks to sjpadgett and gutiersa.
Thank you for your help.