Crosswalking of OpenEMR Modular with other pr

gsporter wrote on Wednesday, March 28, 2012:

I think I have the staff working towards data entry and insurance submission on track.  Now I am in the process of trying to traverse the mine field of trying to register for EHR incentives under Medicaid using the modular approach.   We are currently running OpenEMR 4.1.0 (patch 9) along with existing usage of the free version of Allscripts ePrescribe for e-RX and Quest’s Care 360 Labs.

I would like to minimumize “new” software and procedures for the staff and continue using Care360 and Allscripts if possible!

It looks like the biggest holes in using the modular OpenEMR with Allscripts are the labs and patient education.  I have tried to find a way to add the functions used in the Complete OpenEMR version but cannot locate how to add them to the cart!   i.e.  Lab Corp, WebMD, Medline etc.  If anyone else has been down this road I would love to hear from you on the combinations of products you have been able to get approved.

I have started a cross walk for the General Criteria (170.302),    Ambulatory Criteria (170.304) and Ambulatory Clinical Quality Measures for OpenEMR and other products.  I would love to be able to post it somewhere to save others the process but I am not sure where would be a good location since Sourceforge doesn’t allow attachments

It maybe easier for now to just go with NewCrop and Labcorp and the complete version for now._

OpenEMR Complete Certifying ATCB: ICSA Labs  |  CHPL Product Number: 110040R00
Classification: Complete EHR  |  Practice Setting:Ambulatory
Additional Software Required:Apache Server with Open SSL support, MySQL Database Server, PHP version 5 with php5_mcrypt, NewCrop, LabCorp Laboratory Exchange, Medline, eMedicine, We_bMD


OpenEMR Modular CHPL Product Number: EHRX-OEMRXXXXXX-2011
Classification: Modular EHR  |  Practice Setting:Ambulatory
Additional Software Required:Apache Server with Open SSL support, MySQL Database Server, PHP version 5 with php5_mc_rypt


Allscripts - Allscripts ePrescribe 15.2.0
Certifying ATCB: Drummond Group Inc.  |  CHPL Product Number: 02022011-1067-1
Classification: Modular EHR  |  Practice Setting:Ambulatory
Additional Software Required:.NET Encryption Test Har_ness

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, March 28, 2012:

OpenEMR is already certified for Patient Ed, in fact I think MedLine on of the links that we used to test it with, you shouldn’t need modular for that separately.  Patient Ed is not tied to a specific source, just requires being able to log the fact that you did it.

yehster wrote on Thursday, March 29, 2012:

If you are using 4.1.0 it would be incorrect to say that you are using the Modular Certified version as that is 4.0.

cverk wrote on Thursday, March 29, 2012:

The registration site was fine with registering 4.1 and the allscripts free addition together. You do have to manually reenter your scripts in openemr though. For phase 1 of meaningful use, the lab interface is an option, and certification can be made without it. I tried to interest LabCorp and Quest in facilitating a bidirectional link to openemr, and was pretty much blown off. My best advice is to contact your state agency involved in helping offices achieve meaningful use under the healthcare finance reform law, because that was very helpful for me.

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, March 29, 2012:


A patient ed lookup can be found at Miscellaneus->Patient Education.

At the top right of an open encounter, note the ‘Provided Education Resource(s)?’ toggle, which flags that you provided education resource(s) to the patient. This can then be tracked via the AMC calculations:
-Use certified EHR technology to identify patient-specific education resources and provide those resources to the patient if appropriate. ( AMC:170.302(m) )
—Clickable entry placed in main encounter screen
(and can be calculated in the Reports->Clinic->Automated Measures (AMC) report)
