arnabnaha wrote on Sunday, February 20, 2011:
I am running openemr 4.0 on windows xp. when i run the cronjob using scheduled task and mozilla firefox (latest version), i get the following on the web page:
Total “.count($db_patient).” Records Found\n"; for($p=0;$p< $check_date) { $app_date = date(“Y-m-d”)." “.$prow; }else{ $app_date = $prow.” “.$prow; } */ $app_date = $prow.” “.$prow; $app_time = strtotime($app_date); $app_time_hour = round($app_time/3600); $curr_total_hour = round(time()/3600); $remaining_app_hour = round($app_time_hour - $curr_total_hour); $remain_hour = round($remaining_app_hour - $EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_HOUR); $strMsg = “\n========================”.$TYPE.” || “.date(“Y-m-d H:i:s”).”========================="; $strMsg .= “\nSEND NOTIFICATION BEFORE:”.$EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_HOUR." || CRONJOB RUN EVERY:".$CRON_TIME." || APPDATETIME:".$app_date." || REMAINING APP HOUR:".($remaining_app_hour)." || SEND ALERT AFTER:".($remain_hour); if($remain_hour >= -($CRON_TIME) && $remain_hour <= $CRON_TIME) { // insert entry in notification_log table cron_InsertNotificationLogEntry($TYPE,$prow,$db_email_msg); //set message $db_email_msg = cron_setmessage( $prow, $db_email_msg ); // send mail to patinet cron_SendMail( $prow, $db_email_msg, $db_email_msg, $db_email_msg ); //update entry >> pc_sendalertemail=‘Yes’ cron_updateentry($TYPE,$prow,$prow); $strMsg .= " || ALERT SENT SUCCESSFULLY TO “.$prow; $strMsg .= “\n”.$patient_info.”\n".$smsgateway_info."\n".$data_info."\n".$db_email_msg; } WriteLog( $strMsg ); // larry :: get notification data again - since was updated by cron_updateentry // todo :: instead fix not to modify the template aka $db_email_msg $db_email_msg = cron_getNotificationData($TYPE); } sqlClose(); ?>
please help…
Dr. Arnab Naha