Critical problem in Patient Report generation with documents

penguin8r wrote on Friday, July 12, 2013:

Can’t believe this one wouldn’t have been fixed by now.
Here’s the problem.
If you generate a patient report, throw in a couple of scanned documents, maybe some stored lab results, say it’s something you’re printing, or going to fax to another Dr’s office.
You create the report, it looks fine, you hit the Printable Version button, everything still looks fine, then you actually print the file.
The paper output (or if you print to PDF, send to Fax Printer, whatever) will be missing everything past the first page of each PDF file that made up the report.
This has to be affecting a lot of people, even if they haven’t realized it yet.
Anybody else noticed this, or know of a fix?
If you’re faxing, this is a major buzz kill.


cverk wrote on Saturday, July 13, 2013:

I brought this one up a long time ago. The problem is that image magic displays the documents as a jpg and stores them as one page without page breaks. So when you go to print it you only get the first page. My work around has been to just copy the pdf’s from the data storage file and merge them in paperport. Not ideal but it works.

sunsetsystems wrote on Saturday, July 13, 2013:

There were some major fixes to the patient report in October of last year, including direct output in PDF format without the intermediate conversion. That was not back-ported to 4.1.1 but will be in 4.1.2. I think it will take care of your problem.


penguin8r wrote on Monday, July 15, 2013:

Rod, thanks for the info! That’s good to know.
Just off the top of your head, how much work do you think it would be to back-port those improvements to 4.1.1? Or is it better to try to upgrade to 4.1.2?

sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, July 15, 2013:

I don’t think it would be difficult. There are 7 relevant commits on 10/04 thru 10/06. You’d just cherry-pick those into current 4.1.1 and fix any errors that come up, if any. Anyone who understands git should be able to do that.
