Create and Edit Patient Error

I need help, update my files from the GitHub Repository and I have had this error.

Have you ran sql_upgrade.php to update you database?

Yes, I had upgrade my DB

If using OpenEMR directly from the code repository, then the following commands will build OpenEMR (Node.js version 16.* is required) :

composer install --no-dev
npm install
npm run build
composer dump-autoload -o

Si bajas los archivos directamente de Github, debe “compilarlos” antes de actualizar a la nueva versión.


Did you find a solution to this error? I have it after moving to a new server. Did run sql_upgrade.php and showed 100% okay - but clearly it is not…

Cheers, Simon

for moving to v7 you can re-run the upgrade script choosing 6_1_0

Ran that a couple of times, and still no luck. Basically, whenever I try to edit a patient record I get:

Input array has 86 params, does not match query: ’ UPDATE patient_data SET title = ? , fname = ? , mname = ? , lname = ? , suffix = ? , birth_fname = ? , birth_mname = ? , birth_lname = ? , DOB = ? , sex = ? , gender_identity = ? , sexual_orientation = ? , pubpid = ? , ss = ? , drivers_license = ? , status = ? , genericname1 = ? , genericval1 = ? , genericname2 = ? , genericval2 = ? , billing_note = ? , street = ? , street_line_2 = ? , city = ? , state = ? , postal_code = ? , country_code = ? , county = ? , mothersname = ? , contact_relationship = ? , phone_contact = ? , phone_home = ? , phone_biz = ? , phone_cell = ? , email = ? , email_direct = ? , providerID = ? , provider_since_date = ? , ref_providerID = ? , pharmacy_id = ? , hipaa_notice = ? , hipaa_voice = ? , hipaa_message = ? , hipaa_mail = ? , hipaa_allowsms = ? , hipaa_allowemail = ? , allow_imm_reg_use = ? , allow_imm_info_share = ? , allow_health_info_ex = ? , allow_patient_portal = ? , prevent_portal_apps = ? , cmsportal_login = ? , imm_reg_status = ? , imm_reg_stat_effdate = ? , publicity_code = ? , publ_code_eff_date = ? , protect_indicator = ? , prot_indi_effdate = ? , care_team_status = ? , language = ? , family_size = ? , financial_review = ? , monthly_income = ? , homeless = ? , interpretter = ? , migrantseasonal = ? , referral_source = ? , vfc = ? , religion = ? , deceased_date = ? , deceased_reason = ? , guardiansname = ? , guardianrelationship = ? , guardiansex = ? , guardianaddress = ? , guardiancity = ? , guardianstate = ? , guardianpostalcode = ? , guardiancountry = ? , guardianphone = ? , guardianworkphone = ? , guardianemail = ? , date = ? , updated_by = ? WHERE pid = ?’

Query Error

ERROR: query failed: UPDATE patient_data SET title = ? , fname = ? , mname = ? , lname = ? , suffix = ? , birth_fname = ? , birth_mname = ? , birth_lname = ? , DOB = ? , sex = ? , gender_identity = ? , sexual_orientation = ? , pubpid = ? , ss = ? , drivers_license = ? , status = ? , genericname1 = ? , genericval1 = ? , genericname2 = ? , genericval2 = ? , billing_note = ? , street = ? , street_line_2 = ? , city = ? , state = ? , postal_code = ? , country_code = ? , county = ? , mothersname = ? , contact_relationship = ? , phone_contact = ? , phone_home = ? , phone_biz = ? , phone_cell = ? , email = ? , email_direct = ? , providerID = ? , provider_since_date = ? , ref_providerID = ? , pharmacy_id = ? , hipaa_notice = ? , hipaa_voice = ? , hipaa_message = ? , hipaa_mail = ? , hipaa_allowsms = ? , hipaa_allowemail = ? , allow_imm_reg_use = ? , allow_imm_info_share = ? , allow_health_info_ex = ? , allow_patient_portal = ? , prevent_portal_apps = ? , cmsportal_login = ? , imm_reg_status = ? , imm_reg_stat_effdate = ? , publicity_code = ? , publ_code_eff_date = ? , protect_indicator = ? , prot_indi_effdate = ? , care_team_status = ? , language = ? , family_size = ? , financial_review = ? , monthly_income = ? , homeless = ? , interpretter = ? , migrantseasonal = ? , referral_source = ? , vfc = ? , religion = ? , deceased_date = ? , deceased_reason = ? , guardiansname = ? , guardianrelationship = ? , guardiansex = ? , guardianaddress = ? , guardiancity = ? , guardianstate = ? , guardianpostalcode = ? , guardiancountry = ? , guardianphone = ? , guardianworkphone = ? , guardianemail = ? , date = ? , updated_by = ? WHERE pid = ?

/home/censonemr/public_html/openemr/src/Services/PatientService.php at 235:sqlStatement
/home/censonemr/public_html/openemr/library/ at 1125:databaseUpdate(Array)
/home/censonemr/public_html/openemr/interface/patient_file/summary/demographics_save.php at 82:updatePatientData(1,Array)

it’s kind of a needle in a haystack to try to find which item is missing from the query and the supplied input and most easily debugged on your side