I have installed and trying OpenEMR. From the users group I understand that CPT codes and ICD codes are stored in the Codes table. But my codes table is empty. From the user group I understand that I need to import these files using perl files of \openemr\contrib\util. Also I have downloaded PFALL09A.TXT file. The content of the files are mentioned below.
Look for load_icd_desc.plx, load_hcpcs_desc.plx and load_cdp_desc.plx in the contrib\util directory. HCPCS data file will need to be downloaded and processed with load_hcpcs_des.plx . ICD should just load off the ICD website with load_icd_desc.plx.
CPT on the other hand is copyrighted and you will need to purchase those from AMA and then process with load_cpt_desc.plx
Look at the header of each file for instructions.
Since your using windows, you will need Perl installed (ActivePerl should work fine, although I’ve never tried it) to run the scripts listed above by aperezcrespo.
Thank you for your reply. I will try as per your instructions.
Could you please tell me from where can I get the HCPCS code. Is it also copyrighted ?
As I am testing the Open EMR I am unable to purchase CPT code right now. Is it possible to get a sample database having all data populated for using billing (including CPT/ICD/HCPCS).
they probably are copyrighted but I believe they belong to CMS and are downloadable. The link is in the script.
You can go to the AMA page and do a search for a few CPT codes and enter them via services in administration.
The HCPCS codes are also at the same icd9data.com website, so may be downloadable with simple parameter changes to the ICD9 loader (mind you, I have used none of the above
HELP! i have a similar question; i have ubuntu v9, and openEMR v3.1 i tried to go to \openemr\contrib\util then loaded loadicddesc.plx to view. when i copy and paste a link line regarding placement of the icd9data.com into the “database”, i can not save the loadicddesc.plx
for the past 2 days i have read and read to find out the way to do this. the icd still blank. but per comments by some here, it is supposed to sync with the icd9data.com