CPT Fees

voipbound wrote on Sunday, January 18, 2009:

When I set up the fees for the CPT, there are cash and insured fees.  How would I access the cash fees for my cash patients?

thank you for helping

jpmd wrote on Sunday, January 18, 2009:

What we are doing in our practices with version 2.9 is uploading all of the CPT codes then creating different price levels ie. Standard, Medicare Allowable, Self Pay, etc.

In the demographic section we turned on the Price level field and made it required.  When you edit or add prices for your CPT codes then it will assign the correct charge for your patient/client based on the fee schedule you have created.

One problem that we encountered was that if the demographic section was not saved or updated properly and  there was no price level assigned to a patient then it would drop a zero dollar charge.  This is corrected by assigning the price level to the patient and reentering the charge.

Hope this helps.

Jude A. Pierre, MD
Phyaura, LLC

voipbound wrote on Monday, January 19, 2009:

I figured it out.  I had to go into Admin, then layouts and then to Demographics.  then to priced level.  The default was unused.  I switched it to optional instead required.  Either one will work.  After this, I see price level in Demographic where I register patient.

thank you so much for leading me to this option.

dynomite wrote on Wednesday, March 18, 2009:

Thanks for sharing the information.

ideaman911 wrote on Thursday, March 19, 2009:


An alternative to the listed approach is to create added CPT codes with a trailing letter, for example, in Superbill and then in Admin - Lists - Fee Sheet create other groups in which you will group them.  We prefer to put the CPT code in the text (it requires a single-digit "position" code which will then self-sort by subsequent characters) followed by its description separated by a hyphen and spaces.  That allows discrete CPT pricing which is not a percentage nor discount, but explicit per CPT.

With Psyche as the primary service, the lists are pretty small.  I am not sure that would work as well for a broader service clinic.

Joe Holzer