
depmtaylor wrote on Thursday, March 07, 2013:

We are looking to implement EMR in our corrections facility. We would like to be able to add some fields and take away others. How can we turn this shotgun software, which gives us way more that we need, to a sniper rifle that will give us exactly what we ned?

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, March 07, 2013:

It depends on where you want to add/remove fields.  For demographics, history, referrals and your own custom “layout based” encounter forms you can edit them from Administration -> Layouts.  For other areas you’ll probably want to hire a developer.

By the way don’t physically delete existing layout fields - disable them instead.


blankev wrote on Thursday, March 07, 2013:

Question for you: What is your setup? How many computers and how is the network working in the corrections facility? In Curacao we have three medical rooms and one Pharmacy/Dispensary no connection through Internet. There is no use of a network jet, nut might be available but I am not sure .
of how this would be implemented without security issues.

Start in demographics and do as Rod suggested. Afterwards if you need the field you can always activate the field again. You can also rename a field-label through translations. Even the English translation can be translated!

Let me know what your intentions are, I might have some sugestions. I worked as a medical officer in the Curacao prison for 25 years.

Good luck and perseverance, since there are many options to activate or to in OpenEMR, some work as a separate entity and some have connection with many parts of OpenEMR.

First choice to make is the use of CAMOS or SOAP and this is a beginning. You could see CAMOS mostly used as a pre-defined field input. SOAP is free text.

Good Luck in finding out what you need, it is a great product this OpenEMR.

Gr. from Curacao, Pimm