Contractor Provider Mod for 4.0.1dev

aethelwulffe wrote on Friday, May 13, 2011:

Hello All.

This mod is based on the following 4.0.1 branch with calendar and facility mods, and may not work with other versions.
Please review item #3 in this list, as it has some odd behavior and you might not want to include that modified file when
installing, so please read the following carefully:

This modification does the following:
1.  Adds configuration settings to the x12 partner screen to allow you to configure ISA01-ISA04.  This is of particular use with ValueOptions (plans such a Florida Health Partners, Il. Health Partners, and others).

2.  Adds support for tracking and paying contract providers who are NOT the actual billing/rendering provider.  This is of
particular use for Mental Health Counselors and the like who are supervised.  Using this modification, the contractor fills out a fee sheet, and lists the billing provider in the rendering spots, and uses the “contractor” entry to indicate who actually provided the service.  The modification REPLACES the standard cash provider report (sl_receipts_report.php) which only reported on billing providers.  If anyone wants the original report as well as the new one, I can make a modification to include it.  The new report will report fees that have no contractor as unassigned (no name), so it may be a while after implementation before you have the system cleared of old billing and showing clean reports (unless you re-open old fee sheets and add a contractor name.  It also only reports on what has been PAID, much like the original.
    I am expanding this function to include an interface for setting percentages and pay-per-unit for individual contractors.
It will likely be some weeks before this is done.  I hope to be able to include a report for individual contractors so they
can track their earnings and billing totals on the basis of what has been submitted, paid, or is currently awaiting
3.  The final addition to this package is a tiny modification of openemr/interface/main/main_screen.php.  This turns the horizontal split screen into a vertical split screen.  This is a potentially useful bit of code that forum user “whimmel” posted.  It has some odd behavior if you turn off the bottom view (right hand view does not go away) and if you turn the bottom view back on, it creates what looks like a 4 frame view.  The bottom frames are blank and do not go away unless you right click and refresh/resend, so you might want to delete this file before installing this mod, or back up your original file (and entire installation) before trying.

1.  Decide if you wish to try the vertical split screen or not, and if not, delete the file openemr/interface/main/main_screen.php from the mod package.
2.  Back up your installation.
3.  Find the file openemr/sql/contractor_sqlquery.sql.  You may install this file in several ways.  I recommend you copy the contents of the file, log onto the EMR, and open Administration/Other/Database to get to the MyPHPAdmin interface.  Click the SQL Query button under the MyPHPAdmin logo, and paste the contents into the window, and hit “Go”.  You may also paste the contents into the end of the file openemr/sql/4_0_0_to_4_0_1_sqlupgrade.sql and run localhost/openemr/sql_upgrade.php.

4.  Unzip the mod pack, and paste onto your openemr directory.

Art Eaton

arnpgcmhc wrote on Monday, May 16, 2011:

  Long-time looker, first time poster.

How do I get the 4.1 version of the EMR downloaded?  I got the update link, but I thinkt the other link for the is wrong because it doesn’t let me download the files.  I know it isn’t ready (4.1) but I would like to try it if I can get this billing report to work.
  We had to pay to get 4.0 installed becuase it wasn’t the whole package like the other ones were, and we had to do two or three updates.  It cost us 2500 dollars and five days of hand-wringing to get everything going again, even though I installed the first one myself.  I think it was really worth it, but we just can’t go through all of that right now again.

Amy Landry, ARNP
Gold Coast Mental Health

chakv wrote on Monday, May 16, 2011:

Hi Amy,

I would be interested in talking to you. We have customized openemr specifically for Mental Health and it covers all modules viz. calendar, encounter, billing etc etc. If you are interested please email me and I would be glad to discuss with you. May be these modifications are of interest to you.

My email id is :

Have a wonderful day


aethelwulffe wrote on Tuesday, May 17, 2011:

To get the 4.0.1 version of the EMR that we are talking about: go to the link  Look for the “Downloads” image in the upper right.  After that, just choose to download the zip file, ignore the “Packages” listed below it.  Put it on some removable media (jump drive or a network location) for the next steps.
  Once you have that package, and you have ensured there is no-one using the EMR, Open up your xammp directory, and start the xammp control.exe application.  STOP the apace server, mysql server, and filezilla server (if it is running) and uninstall the service (uncheck the box) for each.  Make sure to shut down the xammp control by using the “exit” button vs. closing the window, or you will get errors when you try to back up your directory.
Now back up your entire xammp directory somewhere.
Next, we are going to take the copy of the backup and put it on a completely different computer (if you have one) we will test our new version there.  If you need to use the same computer, we are going to re-name our original to xammp_old. and then put the new copy of the xammp folder into your c: drive.

If you are using a different computer than your normal server, you should now see c:\xammp on there, as a complete backup copy.  If you are using the server computer, you should have a directory called c:\xammp_old and a directory called c:\xammp.

The following steps will work for an easy upgrade in this particular instance, but should not always be used:
  On the new computer (or new copy of the xammp folder)  remove your xammp/htdocs/openemr/sites directory and place it on the desktop.  Now paste the downloaded and  unzipped 4.0.1 version directory “openemr” onto your C:\xammp\htdocs\openemr directory.  Now paste the “sites” folder from your desktop into the c:\xammp\htdocs \openemr\ directory.

Review for clarification:  We took out your “Sites” directory, then overwrote all the other files in openemr, then pasted the sites directory back in.

OK, now we are going to go to c:\xammp\xammp_control.exe (that might not be the exact name, but pick the one that looks close.  If you did the original installation, you probably know it well anyway).  Start mysql and apache.  No need to install service.
  In your browser, open localhost/openemr/sql_upgrade.php, and run upgrade from 4.0
You might want to run acl_upgrade.php, but I don’t think it is necessary.

Log onto the EMR and check things out.  We did not copy the old globals file, so you might have to make changes under administration/globals in the EMR
If everything is cool, install the contractor mod as per instructions.
If everything is still cool, and you have a working package, You are just about done.  If you were working on the server computer, just either delete xammp_old, or rename it with the date and version as a backup.  IF you are using a different computer, shut down the apache and mysql server, and use the “exit” button on the xammp control to shut it down.  Now copy the whole stinking xammp directory back over to the server computer.  Start up the xammp control, turn on the services checkboxes, and you are done.
  Make sure to bang lots of keys to make sure everything is working, and edit your global settings.  Check user accesses and all that to make sure the new versions have not given or taken away controls that you are not aware of.

I take it that Gold Coast Mental Health is on the Florida Gold Coast?  Or is there a California Gold Coast?

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, May 17, 2011:


The current development version is 4.1.0 . See here for daily snapshots:

Also can get most recent version via git (mostly used by developers):
