curtmunsey wrote on Friday, August 05, 2011:
Hi Everyone,
I got a small problem that I need your kind help on
The “Consultation Brief Description” field doesn’t show up under the Encounter Summery page. Tried to hit collaps and expand but all I am getting is while line. However, when I press edit, I can see the consultation’s text.
When I brows the Encounter Summery page using Firefox I get the following text after the white blank line”
\n"; while($result = sqlFetchArray($res)) { print “” . xl(‘Reason’) . “: " . $result{“reason”} . "
\n”; print “” . xl(‘Facility’) . “: " . $result{“facility”} . "
\n”; } print "
\n"; } ?>“
I noticed this problem ONLY when Openemr runs under Windows. The Linux version works like a champ!
Also, I made sure that my PHP.ini is modified as requested in the installation document
The system configurations are:
Windows7 Ulitmate
XAMPP ver 1.7.3
Openemr Ver 4.0.0 – Patch2
Thank you in advance for your help.