
fallendzangel wrote on Wednesday, December 21, 2011:

I’ve never used a php program before but this sounds perfect for my new non-profit organization. Can anyone help me with some simple steps to get the program running? I have it installed and extracted.

Not sure what else needs to be done.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

gsporter wrote on Friday, December 23, 2011:


I am also starting out fresh with OpenEMR.   Don’t worry about the PHP program part for now.  You will be doing 99% of
your setup in a web browser.   I would reccomend watch the tutorial from ZH Healthcare on youtube

There are about 10 so just start with Tutorial 1 and work your way through.  Once you have your practice information in the big hurdles ( not counting patient accounts) are getting the procedure ,diag. code, and payer information in.

The instructions for importing the  ICD9 codes (they are in  a file in your default install) can be found on these forums.
If you  want to use CDP codes (they are copyrighted by the AMA) you will need do buy a subscription from the AMA or a 3rd party vendor.   I am looking at that option now since they provide them with the script to import them and I am under some time constraints.

You may be able to get the payer information from your electronic clearinghouse for the payer’s depending on who you use.
I am trying to start with new code list (cleaner) rather than exporting them from our legacy system and reimporting them.

Stay on the forums, the two OpenEMR sites for information.   Just do it one step at a time.

Greg Porter