I couldn’t find anything about this in the manual or any of the existing forum posts either. When adding a new prescription for a patient, is there any way to set up a template or macro for common prescriptions in quantities that the physician frequently prescribes? It seems like I had read about something like this in OpenEMR before but can’t seem to find anything like it now.
Hi Penguin8R, you seem to be looking for the same features in OpenEMR as we are. I found your post on adding custom issues to the ‘new issues’ pane very helpful.
Have you found a solution to you problem with the common prescriptions? We also would like to have common prescriptions fill in automatically.
Hi, i am using the prescriptions module and it is better to go to interface\globals.php and simplify the prescription module. I have a question, openemr great for adding prescriptions, I have not been able to cancel or deactivate a prescription from the prescriptions module.
You can uncheck the ‘Currently Active’ toggle (get to it by double clicking or ‘edit’ the prescription). This will shade it out in the Prescription add/list screen and will remove it from the summary that shows the Prescriptions.