blankev wrote on Tuesday, September 22, 2009:
In Mysql can I just change the tables collation of latin1… INTO utf8_…… without harming a working OpenEMR version? Or should I take duifferent steps before I hit the GO button?
TNX Pimm
blankev wrote on Tuesday, September 22, 2009:
In Mysql can I just change the tables collation of latin1… INTO utf8_…… without harming a working OpenEMR version? Or should I take duifferent steps before I hit the GO button?
TNX Pimm
bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, September 22, 2009:
Bad idea. First, backup your database. Then read this first:
Pimm, considering you should have no non-enlgish characters in your database with Dutch, I’m guessing option 2 will work for you (the two commmands). Again, back up your openemr database before making the plunge. You will likely go through several iterations before it works for you; for exampel note the first command has two mysql commands in it and will only work as is if your using root user and the mysql root password is empty (otherwise you need to supply a username and password via parameter). If this first command doesn’t work completely, you need to drop the openemr database and re-install the backup before retrying.
Also, make sure you do the upgrade to 3.1.0 before you do this (the upgrade makes some required changes to ensure the tables are all utf-8 compatiible.
blankev wrote on Thursday, September 24, 2009:
And this is what I did to solve the problem: (Tnx for the hint!)
Deleted database and program. Created database and made sure it would have UTF9in collation. So I had to change Latin1_general_ci database into UTF9_general_ci database.
Imported a CVS version (probably it would work also with Official version V 3.1.0.
Made the wanted changes in globals.php and some special other files.php……… and started to include the tables that could have been done with backup_restore if I had a good and working one.
Now I am ready to let my Chinese and Russian and Greek clients to give me the input of the history and ROS forms. The only problem is that I will have to have a translator available to register the answers in English. If I go back to my English/Dutch translations login everything will be available for me to start giving medical advise on the answers received.
Tnx again OpenEMR Developers team.