We were looking at the Fee Sheet today and trying to add an inventory item to the Fee Sheet which we where able to do but when we saved the fee sheet and opened it back up the Product item were not there. I have been to the wiki page it only speaks of in house drugs.
How do we get none drug items to stay on the fee sheet once it is saved and it show as a billable charge?
Sorry for just getting back to this.
We checked and the drug and non-drug products are selected. We have discovered that the items show on the EOB page but not on the fee sheet itself and not on the batch payment screen. Has anyone else reported this issue. We are using 4.1.2 clean install on linux.
If there is no billing to insurance, it would not matter how the item is coded. A practice can make up the codes when it is out-of-pocket. If you want to fabricate CPT codes, it can be 00001 for product 1, 00002 for product 2, etc.
However, when they are billable to insurance, there should be HCPCS codes for both pharmaceuticals and non-pharmaceuticals. These codes, descriptions should be loaded just like the regular CPT and ICD-9 codes.