cmswest wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
do you have a favorite text editor?
try gksu gedit /var/www/openemr/library/
cmswest wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
do you have a favorite text editor?
try gksu gedit /var/www/openemr/library/
fsgl wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
Yes, sudo.
If not editing the .php file from the command line, do the following:
jkshla wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
I am most comfortable with VI. However, my file is not exactly what you have in your sample. I have at line 391 put_hcfa(34, 1, 25, $tmp)
fsgl wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
Gedit, which came with the OS install, does not have line numbers in Linux Mint. One goes cross-eyed without the numbers.
ScITE is a real pain to add that feature.
One has to install Bluefish separately but it comes with the line numbers and the additional features of showing the path just like in Notepad ++ and the scripts in color.
cmswest wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
for gedit, just click on View->Stausbar and line number will appear on bottom
just make the code block wherever it is like this:
// Box 17. Name of Referring Provider or Other Source
put_hcfa(34, 1, 3, “DK”);
$tmp = $claim->referrerLastName() . ', ’ . $claim->referrerFirstName();
if ($claim->referrerMiddleName())
$tmp .= ', ’ . substr($claim->referrerMiddleName(),0,1);
put_hcfa(34, 4, 25, $tmp);
fsgl wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
The script did change as a result of Patch 6, so the line numbers may not be exactly matched.
Whatever text editor works for you, is fine.
How does the .pdf image of a claim look with the 2 line change?
jkshla wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
I’m new in practice so I’m hoping you know something I don’t. We just have been generating the x12 and uploading to office ally. Medicare usually forwards to secondary, but all the others we send paper claims to secondary once primary has paid and we have that EOB. Is there an easier way to do this electronically through the clearing house? What is the 837 P file?
jkshla wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
fsgl, any way you can get me through the change with VI? I am not sure how to install Bluefish. I am working on ubuntu server 12.04 with no gui. All i have is command line
fsgl wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
Will give it a try next time I’m in the neighborhood.
fsgl wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
Stephen will have to take over. I’m very new to the Terminal.
Take it away.
cmswest wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
fun conference forum!
vi /var/www/openemr/library/
go to line 383 (shortcut is to type 383G and hit )
then type i to begin insert mode (you probably know this)
make code look like above block
then type ESC :wq to save file
go back to openemr and try paper claim
jkshla wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
Sorry Stephen, I missed that this post turned over to a second page. I made changes and PDF looks good. I really appreciate it!
jkshla wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
Regarding paper claims. I’m new in practice so I’m hoping you know something I don’t. We just have been generating the x12 and uploading to office ally. Medicare usually forwards to secondary, but all the others we send paper claims to secondary once primary has paid and we have that EOB. Is there an easier way to do this electronically through the clearing house? What is the 837 P file?
cmswest wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
fsgl has made good point about using elec claims
just choose the secondary under the encounter in the billing manager and then check on generate x12 (synonym for 837 P)
jkshla wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
How does this work if secondary does not have the primary EOB?
cmswest wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
if you’ve posted the primary payment in the EOB posting screen, the 837 P will have the info that is the equivalent of the paper eob
jkshla wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
Thanks Stephen. That sounds so much better!
cmswest wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
good luck and let us know if you have any problems with secondary electronic claims
cmswest wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
good luck and let us know if you have any problems with secondary electronic claims
cverk wrote on Saturday, June 21, 2014:
I think what he is looking for is when you go from the billing screen to EOB’s and search and view a claim for payment, there is a box to click for needing secondary billing, and a place to click for completing primary payment. Now when you go back to the billing screen and search the date of the visit, the secondary claim will come up that you can make an x12 file of and upload to OfficeAlly. Previously, there was often errors in those claims you had to fix manually after OfficeAlly rejected them, but somewhere over the last several patches or maybe some OfficeAlly upgrade, that seems to have been fixed. Also, if you set it up with OfficeAlly they can forward secondary paper claims for you to the rare carrier they don’t cover for cheaper than you can print and mail them.