In the old layout the “closing” of a patient (and thus also the encounter) is there for menu navigation purposes - it’s how you get back to the calendar and other top-level functions. The newer layouts “remember” the current patient and visit, and so this is not necessary for navigation and was never put in. Of course it may be desirable for other reasons and it would not be difficult to add such a feature.
This has nothing to do with closing out an encounter (in a clinical sense) to mark it as complete, which is an even more desirable missing feature.
We do this all the time. Miscellaneous -> Authorizations -> Click “Authorize” on the appropriate patient.
That’s yet another unrelated action and a possible source of confusion. Authorizing means you are approving the items recorded so far in the visit. As far as the system is concerned it doesn’t mean you are done and doesn’t prevent further activity.
By the way wasn’t there a MU item regarding closing a visit? Seems I vaguely remember something like that, where something needs to be fixed to satisfy it. Or maybe I dreamed it.
I am also interested in how to do this, if a nurse sees patient (she is not very computer literate) and she leaves that encounter open, then when patient goes to doctor in same practice, would this cause a conflict ?
I am using the old style layout and I experimented with a simple way of closing out an encounter. I disabled the lower screen which lists links to past encounters. That’s it. This means that when all users have clicked the ‘close’ link in a particular encounter, there is no proper way to get back into it. It is a one line solution, placing exit(0); at the top of the appropriate php file.
It mostly worked pretty well and prevented me from making the stupid mistakes that can occur when going into old encounters. I did find myself occasionally commenting out the exit(0); because I accidentally closed an encounter that I was not finished with.