Client does not support auth protocol

aohl wrote on Thursday, May 05, 2005:

Ok so I was wondering being a win32 user at the moment, I found information on this but its driving me mad! I got openemr working on win32 with the pre-setup package by apachefriends right but when I install apache/php4/mysql4.1 by myself which I was hoping to achieve, I used this link

to get phpmyadmin working but openemr still doesnt install!!! I think its to do with the user account password creation on install but not sure?!

Anyone done this in windows, apparently php 5 has a fix for this called mysqli.dll as an extension!

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, May 10, 2005:

Sankar Srivatsa has a Windows package that he installed with successfully on Windows.  You can get this at this link:

The MD5 sum is posted.

You need to revert to PHP 4.3.11 unless you want to do a lot of debugging. OpenEMR has not yet been upgraded to PHP 5.0

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, May 10, 2005:

Most of the install problems have to do with setting up the mysql permissions appropriately.

Make sure that your mysql server is running.

Make sure that you can connect to the server with the root user

mysql -u root -p


The latest setup program seems to require that you enter a password for the openemr user though it isn’t used if you use the root password for the setup.