I have been printing notes to bring to my delegating physician for review.
He has noticed that each note is Titled “New Patient Encounter” Even when the patient is well established, meaning he has many office visits, the printed note always is titled “New Patient Encounter”
I am also still having problems the the name of the patient and their date of birth not being on each page on the chart note.
We’re having the same issue (we use CAMOS for Doc’s notes) but found this
work-around. With the “Report” function, check only those boxes for notes
in the “Issues” section, do not check the preceeding encounter description
/date boxes or any box in the patient report section.
Hope this helps,
On Nov 24, 2014 10:18 PM, “Jeff Guillory Jr.” nursejeff@users.sf.net
I have been printing notes to bring to my delegating physician for review.
He has noticed that each note is Titled “New Patient Encounter” Even when
the patient is well established, meaning he has many office visits, the
printed note always is titled “New Patient Encounter”
I am also still having problems the the name of the patient and their date
of birth not being on each page on the chart note.
That is because the title is the title of the Form, not the “Reason for Visit” or Appointment Category. It’s called the “new encounter form” because it’s the form you use to create a new encounter/visit for any type of encounter.
The code should just drop the title and use the Encounter/Visit Date alone, I’d say.