crmrto wrote on Friday, February 03, 2012:
Hi all,
im trying to ajust openemr to our needs, we have to increase the size of the middle name and its location, any help on that?
Thanks in advance!!
crmrto wrote on Friday, February 03, 2012:
Hi all,
im trying to ajust openemr to our needs, we have to increase the size of the middle name and its location, any help on that?
Thanks in advance!!
aethelwulffe wrote on Friday, February 03, 2012:
go to administration/layouts.
Pick the Demographics lay-out.
You will see a horrible mess of lines, tables, and save buttons.
In the “Who” category, (I think that is what it is called in the vanilla OpenEMR) you will see a row that say “mname”. You need to increase the number in the “size” field to how many characters maximum you want (it is currently set to “2”, just for middle initial and a period). You then must hit the SAVE button on the bottom of the page (scroll down) .
crmrto wrote on Friday, February 03, 2012:
Many thanks!!! looks better now, thank you.
aethelwulffe wrote on Friday, February 03, 2012:
Now you can handle names like Anastasia de Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús Rodríguez Hernández.
If you are doing electronic billing in the US, and you wanted to use, say, the full city name for L.A., El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora La Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula, you can just change that variable too, but remember that it will still be restricted when you send out billing. Same applies for the middle name. You will see things get chopped off. If you verify the insurance,or you read the insurance card, you should use whatever name the PAYER thinks it is, even if it is spelled wrong, and make an “Alias” field in Demographics with an explanation field to both cover your documentation properly AND ensure billing goes through until the error can be properly corrected.