bb2013 wrote on Saturday, August 17, 2013:
I changed the date format under Globals and Preferences to mm/dd/year and still it comes out as year/dd/mm. Does anyone know why? What is the solution?
Division Health
bb2013 wrote on Saturday, August 17, 2013:
I changed the date format under Globals and Preferences to mm/dd/year and still it comes out as year/dd/mm. Does anyone know why? What is the solution?
Division Health
epsdky wrote on Sunday, August 18, 2013:
Perhaps try…
Miscellaneous–>Preferences–>Locale—>Date Display Format (set to MM/DD/YYYY)
(click Save)
epsdky wrote on Sunday, August 18, 2013:
Oops, you did that…
If you mean date fields that have the Dynarch date selector (such
as in new patient form) these cannot be altered from the OpenEMR interface…
(as far as I know…)