Change currency

ianedwa wrote on Saturday, April 04, 2009:

I want to know how to change the currency from $ to £.

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, April 05, 2009:


Language translations are currently a very active area of development.  Your question is something were also trying to figure out.  Here’s the developer thread where were discussing ongoing translation development:


blankev wrote on Monday, April 06, 2009:

This Advise came from Brady:

For sanity checking (I’m assuming your using linux) of the constants try this command:
grep -r “your constant of interest” /directory/to/openemr

This will type out where in files the constant of interest is found.

Find all occurences of $ in the text. Include all $ signs with xl(’$’,e) as explained in the translation manual.

Than  ADD constant " $ " an translat into POUND or EURO. If this works, don’t forget to include all your work in CVS department of Developers of OpenEMR   :wink:


rayaz wrote on Sunday, April 12, 2009:

Has anyone tried the above mentioned method? I tried it and got a large number of files with the $ sign. Even code!


bradymiller wrote on Monday, April 13, 2009:


Regarding $ sign. This is a pain; I also can’t even get grep to work for this ($ is a special character and used in variables in code (ie. $variable).  First thing is to see if adding the constant of $ works in OpenEMR in the admin->languages menu.  If not then will need to add the xl("$" stuff into code manually by noting in OpenEMR where the $ is used.  We have a developer thread for the language translations at:

Right now were trying to get language selection at the login screen along with rebuilding the language translations tables.  Once we have this foundation in place, then we plan to go after the stuff that isn’t translated (not enclosed by xl() function) in the source code, including the $ sign.


ideaman911 wrote on Tuesday, April 14, 2009:


A little reality check for all, please.  Any currency which is not currently included in the logic (forget the $ there, it is program language specific and not changeable, but it also is invisible to users) is going to be subject to three issues;

a)  The specific symbol for the currency

b)  The decimal (for example, sterling is not a decimal basis, so the logic will break down because it assumes a decimal)

c)  Even when its a decimal, euro thousands use a period, and decimal uses a comma, the precise reverse of N America.

So the logic may not be what you want, and is not a trivial matter to change.  Two simple suggestions; use an onscreen one, or put a calculator handy, but change the php "labels" to reflect "Must convert to local currency by x factor".  That is a simple workaround for simple stuff.  More complex stuff is likely better to use a culturally specific Quickbooks type package completely separate from OpenEMR, and simply cross reference things like Patient ID and Encounter ID, just as the OpenEMR logic does, and displays in the reports.  That might seem tedious at first, but coding to achieve that will be far more so.

Joe Holzer    Idea Man

blankev wrote on Tuesday, April 14, 2009:


to me it seems that than for future programming the logic way to solve this currency issue is leave it out and use the PC Currency default or use none.

And delete all " $ " signs in the screens and make it changable in the printable Reports. This could give rise to confusion, but most of the time it is obvious when a text is a "$ money sign". Nobody will confuse the length of a person with his amount of debts.

That is the way Q uick B ooks handles Currency characters. In Q uick B ooks the only way to get rid of an unwanted Currency character is leave it open in Windows Default Currency Character.

The comma and point issue is changeable in QuBo to user preference.
