Ccr/ccda incomplete

drpwayne wrote on Tuesday, March 14, 2017:

Hello. I have installed 5.0 and created a patient record. A couple of issues:

  1. the CCR/CCDA is incomplete. The CCDA does not show the patient sex, telephone, language of preference, tobacco history, or vitals, but these are all entered.
  2. Family history. Family history, under History, only allows one diagnosis per relative. So Mom can’t have both diabetes and hypertension. And if the patient has 3 siblings, one with breast cancer, one with prostate cancer, how can that be entered?

I created a very short video to illustrate the CCR/CCDA issues:

Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction.

  • Peter

Hi drpwayne,

I am not able to see the video in above post (needs Adobe Flash Player to show), but just checking if you are using the Care Coordination module for this in 5.0 . Note the older CCR and CCD mechanisms have been superceded by the CCDA which requires going through the Care Coordination module (Module in the menu). And to create/import CCDA at this time also requires access to ZH’s Mirth server (these are settings in the Care Coordination module).

Hopefully this points you in the right direction. Let us know how it goes.


Hi drpwayne,

In Family History, We can add multiple diagnosis per relative and more relationship can be added through the administration -> layout -> Family History.
