CCHIT Certification - Security

drbowen wrote on Monday, August 10, 2009:

Good Morning Selvi, Visolve and the CCHIT Certification Team,

I recorded all of the email discussions that we had concerning the security concerns that we discussed last week.  I have transferred these to the wiki at:

I also elaborated some more on a few of them.  Look for Security and then:

User Authentication.
Controlling Access.
Audit Control.
Encryption During Transmission.
Protection at Rest.
Practitioner Data Integrity.
Backup Strategies.
Individual Patient Access.

If you would, can your team post the CCHIT reference numbers to the section names and the scripts required to pass under each of these sections?


Sam Bowen, MD

visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, August 11, 2009:

Hi Sam,

We have consolidated the CCHIT test scripts for Security and ‘Engage patients and families’ and currently we are reviewing the same. Will circulate the same in 1-2 days…


visolveemr wrote on Friday, August 14, 2009:

This is a test message… pls ignore…

drbowen wrote on Wednesday, September 09, 2009:

Dear Visolve,

I would love to have you post comments her concerning your progress on the security components here.

User Authentication. 
Controlling Access. 
Audit Control. 
Encryption During Transmission. 
Protection at Rest. 
Practitioner Data Integrity. 
Backup Strategies. 
Individual Patient Access.


Sam Bowen, MD