CCDA Export Error

Hi there,

I’m using openemr 5. i registered the carecoordination module no problem. but when trying view or download the CCDA , i get this error

Exception: Statement could not be executed (42S02 - 1146 - Table ‘openemr.sct_descriptions’ doesn’t exist)
Exception: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘openemr.sct_descriptions’ doesn’t exist

please help

When enabling a form, it is a three-step process.

Go back to the forms in administration forms. Look in the fifth column from the left. It should say DB installed. If it does not say DB installed but rather install DB. Click on the words install DB.

CCM requires the snomed codes to be present. Many aspects of ccda require snomed. Import codes if you have them and give it another shot.

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how to import snomed codes?

Hi @anusha_madugula try administration - other - external dataload

Please can you provide link for downloading this snomed codes.

hi @anusha_madugula, please see this

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Before going through all the hassle, try just creating an empty table for the sct_descriptions. Get the structure from database.sql in openemr/sql. You’ll also need ccdaservice installed to generate ccda’s.

Ya Thankyou friends.

Thanks Guys, Sorry for the late thank you, i was travelling

Thanks Jerry! This worked for me. I found the table structure in openemr\library\ for the 3 tables: sct_concepts, sct_descriptions, and sct_relationships