Cash Receipt by Provider

rmathieu wrote on Monday, September 21, 2009:

Is it possible to add a column name patient to know which encounter is link to which patient, can we customized to column on this report?

rmathieu wrote on Wednesday, September 23, 2009:

Anything regarding this?
Is it possible to customize the reports?

ideaman911 wrote on Friday, September 25, 2009:

It is possible to customize ANYTHING in open source.  The question, as Roger Penske so eloquently put it, is "How fast can it go?  How much money you got?"

If you are a capable coder you can do so yourself.  If not, I would advise hiring one of us "commercial" guys.  Getting what works for YOU is more valuable than minimizing the invested cost.

But generally the code will have an SQL statement which draws a set of data fields from a record in the database.  Since they list with PID usually, you would simply add $lname and $fname to the query, then list that at the "echo" statement, which is how it is usually outputted.  Be careful though (based on personal experience) because there are mixed coding used throughout OpenEMR, and the formatting can go whacky pretty easily.  And a simple missing close bracket "}" can cause it  to work crazy or not at all.  Hope that helps.

I added the "Last Bill Date" to the Collections Report, and changed some of the default columns displayed by such changes, and posted specific code changes elsewhere on the forums.  Good luck.

Joe Holzer    Idea Man