I installed OpenEMR by downloading and installing the XAMPP – OpenEMR 4.1.0 Windows zip file. It is installed onto a computer running Windows XP. OpenEMR opens on the computer I installed it to. However when I go to a browser on another computer on the office network it does not open. I’ve tried typing in http://computername/openemr in the browser and tried substituting the IP address of the computer which OpenEMR is installed on. No connection is made to OpenEMR.
Doing a web search for this problem I’ve found recommendations to change the Apache settings to allow access over the network. Does this apply to the installation with the installation file I used, and if so how do I adjust the Apache settings? Anything else I should be doing to get this to work over my network?
Found the solution-no need to change Apache settings. I added “C:\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe” as an exception to the firewall and it is working over the office network.
Some day I’ll see if I can figure out how to access this over the internet from offsite. For now I’ll use gotomypc.
Is there an advantage to using WIndows Live as opposed to gotomypc?
Ultimately I am wondering if this could be set up to allow home computers to sign onto OpenEMR hosted on an office computer over the internet as opposed to remotely controlling a computer. However unless someone were to post easy instructions to do this I am going to hold off on this for now. There are so many other things which I need to figure out first.