Cannot add Authorization # for credit card

docbda wrote on Wednesday, November 28, 2012:

Since upgrading to 4.1.1(7) we are unable to add check/ref# under:  main menu -> popups -> payment -> dropdown box -> credit card.  We can no longer get a cursor in the check/ref# box to add the credit card authorization #.

Is this a bug??

Please help.


yehster wrote on Wednesday, November 28, 2012:

ZH Healthcare added code which explicitly disables the “check_number” field when other payment methods are selected.

It appears to be working “as designed.” Get rid of the code in the CheckVisible to revert to the old behavior.

hitechelp wrote on Thursday, November 29, 2012:

We also use the check/reference number field for entering serial number from cash receipts so we also need this to work as before.  We could use some additional guidance here as we are not exactly php gurus.  Where is the file in which this code is located and what exactly do we “get rid of” in that section of code?   Thank you for your help ;0)

yehster wrote on Thursday, November 29, 2012:

This commit isn’t meant for the master branch, but it will show you exactly what code to remove to re-enable the check_number input field on the form.

No guarantees that it will completely solve your problem.

hitechelp wrote on Monday, January 07, 2013:


We would most appreciate your help here.  We had anticipated this issue would need fixing after we upgraded to 4.1.1 so we made note of your code modifications to keep the check / reference field working as before.  But, now that we have gone to 4.1.1, it appears there has been a major revision of the front_payment.php page since you posted the instructions in the github link (now broken).
The code we saved from the link no longer matches the page. (which explains broken link) 
We really need this reference field to work as before, and we’re also hoping the reference information will still show up in the past encounter list when we hover on the payment like it did before.
Many thanks in advance,

This threw a monkey wrench into our work flow, payment tracking, and cash security accountability procedures.

yehster wrote on Monday, January 07, 2013:

hitechelp wrote on Monday, January 07, 2013:

Got it,   Works great (- the hover)

Thanks a ton  

dmc53 wrote on Tuesday, February 17, 2015:

Sorry to revive this old thread, but I am looking to figure out how to enable the credit card reference number when entering Batch Payments. I successfully modified the front_payment.php page using the code above, but can’t find the code to do the same for the Batch Payment. I am guessing it is somewhere in new_payment.php?? Thanks for your time.

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, February 18, 2015:


To remove the validation,please remove the option “CheckVisible” at “generate_select_list” function in link

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dmc53 wrote on Tuesday, February 24, 2015:

Worked perfectly ViSolve. Thanks!