Hi again,
i applied the latest patch and after that i cannot access the documents, the message says:
The requested document is not present at the expected location on the filesystem or there are not sufficient permissions to access it. /var/www/openemr/sites/default/documents/166/
The folder and files are there so it is a permission problem.
I use Ubuntu 12.04, localhost, login as normal user and i am the owner of /var/www/openemr/… folder with permissions 775
To confirm, did it work before you installed the patch?
Have you tried to reinstall the patch again?
Did you follow the following patch instructions here?: http://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/OpenEMR_Patches
Had you installed another patch previous to this (if so, do you remember what number the patch was?)?
-brady OpenEMR
It worked before i installed the patch, except the problem with Greek characters as i have posted in another post.
I will re-install the patch in 2 hours when i get back to my practice.
I did follow the patch instructions.
I installed another patch and i think it was no 10.
This is very odd, since these were the files that were changed from patch 10 to patch 13:
None of them involve the documents module. What does a ‘ls -al’ of the /var/www/openemr/sites/default/documents/166/ look like (if paste anything here, ensure no stuff that can identify patient is there).
/var/www/openemr/sites/default/documents/166$ ls -al
total 204
drwx---- 2 me www-data 4096 Mar 21 11:06 .
drwxr-xr-x 694 me www-data 16384 Jul 30 16:38 …
-rw-r-r- 1 me www-data 61711 Mar 21 11:06 n_24_03_2011_FVC.pdf
-rw-r-r- 1 me www-data 62278 Mar 21 11:05 n_31_08_2011_FVC.pdf
-rw-r-r- 1 me www-data 54487 Mar 30 2011 .odt
/var/www/openemr/sites/default/documents/1115$ ls -al
total 124
drwx---- 2 me www-data 4096 Aug 6 11:56 .
drwxr-xr-x 694 me www-data 16384 Jul 30 16:38 …
-rw-r-r- 1 me www-data 105304 Jul 30 16:38 ____________________________________ECHO.pdf
The straight line in the second patient’s name is the problem that i’ve mentioned in another post.
Ok, i did 2 thinks and the problem i solved.
First, i re-installed the patch as root. This did not change anything.
Then after seeing the output of my own post above i changed again the permissions of the /documents folder to 775 (i do not know how safe this is!), although i did this before as i write in my initial post. The problem is now solved.
By the way, is there any update about the bug in the documents name?
The OpenEMR community currently seems to have limited resources, so the bug in the documents name has not yet been addressed. It is currently listed as a low priority bug (meaning not a showstopper) to be fixed before the release. Hopefully more resources(volunteer or paid) will open up to fix the bugs: http://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/QA/Release_Process#Tickets_Pending