
sosterri wrote on Thursday, December 12, 2013:

I am just setting up Open EMR to see if it will work for us. When I try to use the calendar I get a message saying “The appointment slot is already in use, use it anyway?” If I click on “OK”, it doesn’t make the appointment. I was able to do this once but haven’t been able to do this again. I have tried several times with different patients I have entered and different providers have entered. It’s as if it thinks everyday is full of appointments when in fact I have made 1 appointment. Any help would be appreciated.

cmswest wrote on Thursday, December 12, 2013:

fsgl would want you to check this wiki article:

fsgl wrote on Thursday, December 12, 2013:


sosterri wrote on Thursday, December 26, 2013:

Do I have to enter the physicians UPIN number in order to get them to show up on the calendar? I have them entered as users but I don’t have that number or their federal tax ID number entered in. They are not showing up on the calendar. We are a nonprofit that provides free outpatient surgery so we do not do any type of billing. I am trying to move us foward with an EMR. But so many of them don’t fit our needs since we don’t bill and the surgeons see the patients in their regular office. But with over 5000 charts and a very small office space we were being over run with bankers boxes. Also this might be an easier way for us to track those things we need to track than counting things by hand. Thanks! Terri

sosterri wrote on Thursday, December 26, 2013:

Never mind, I figured it out!!! I am one happy client coordinator!! Woohoo!!