Can Track Anything pull from (G) graphable fields in LBV forms from a series of encounters?

k2c-supp wrote on Friday, November 06, 2015:

k2c-supp wrote on Friday, November 06, 2015:

Oh, sorry I forgot the text in the post thinking the title was good enough. Well, that is my question. I have data in a series of encounters for a patient that I would like to tract. I can not plot the data using the typical LBV “G” option either after enabling the Track anything form. I can not figure out how to have Track Anything get data from the forms. Is Track Anything limited to manually entered data in the Track Anything form itself as shown in the youtube example?

fsgl wrote on Friday, November 06, 2015:

“No” to question posed in your title.

The limitation with Graphable option is that multiple encounters must be created to provide enough points to plot.

Track Anything has the ability to plot mutiple points from one form/encounter. Despite the fact that the format of the graphs is identical, Track Anything is a form independent of LBV Graphable.

Track Anything also provides commentary for each plot point. For example, if FBS is unusually high, there can be a comment that the patient just ate 6 jelly doughnuts.

Note that Procedures configuration is obsolete.

k2c-supp wrote on Monday, November 09, 2015:

I tried using the Graphable option and assumed that the x-axis on the graph would refer to the encounter date since only 1 point can be plotted per encounter. It seems to be plotting the time stamp (Y-M-D H-M-S) corresponding to when the LBV form was saved irrespective of the date of the encounter. Maybe there is a reason for that. ? Unfortunately, not all clinicians write up and enter their soap notes on the day they do therapy, nor do they write them in chronological order. :stuck_out_tongue:

Track Anything also uses the time stamp from when you save the track form but you can go back and edit it and input the correct encounter date. However, with Track Anything you have to re-input the data that already exists as Graphable data elswhere in the encounter LBV forms.