Can I create custom form with some fields filled in with default value?

simpleone81 wrote on Sunday, November 24, 2013:


I tried that and that did produce empty line / indent when you fill in the form. However, after I saved the note, those empty line / indent went away… And I generated a report form this note - the empty line / indent also went away.

So this appears to be not a “true empty line” or “true empty field”.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, November 24, 2013:


It is my pleasure. You certainly know the local situation and local needs far better any of us can, here at the Forums. Of course, we will defer to your judgment in those regards.

Be certain to select Static Text for Data Type in the drop down menu of the Layout Editor. Enter anything in Label, save the field, delete the value in Label and add more text in Description and save again.

I created a Static Text note in the 4.1.1 Demo. Have a look in Administration/Layout, then open today’s encounter for Phil Belford, click Static Text in the Layout Based tab to see the note.

Pimm is the LBV Guru and Rod wrote the codes for the LBV Form, so you are getting info from the best sources.

If you cannot get the hang of the Static Text form with the non-geek way, we can walk you through Rod’s code change for the T option. It is quite simple and you will have a wonderful sense of accomplishment afterwards.

Terra incognita can be frightening but isn’t that part of an adventure? Don’t worry, we won’t let you do anything to fry your copy of OpenEMR.

blankev wrote on Sunday, November 24, 2013:

In my efforts I sometime use a " . "point, hardly visible for the Outside, very usful to create a seemingly empty field. Solution of last resort.

simpleone81 wrote on Sunday, November 24, 2013:


Thanks. I think I can apply Rod’s change. But my problem now is that I am not sure how to create “true empty lines” or “true empty field”. Pieter’s answer seems to be a relatively reasonable workaround though.

On the other note, fsgl - which demo environment are you using? Are you talking about the one listed on wiki: ?

I went to that demo environment but couldn’t find the patient you mentioned.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, November 24, 2013:

The Static Text form is in the 4.1.1 Demo.

simpleone81 wrote on Sunday, November 24, 2013:

Thanks fsgl. I can see the static text you create now. Anyway, I am still not seeing a good way to produce a “true empty line” or “true indent” in some parts of a LBF. For example, I want to have the LBF present something like this:

(an empty line here)
(15 spaces here) FEVER for:
(15 spaces here) COUGH for:
(another empty line here)


Is there a way I can achieve this type of formatting in LBF (more over, the notes that need to be stored with these format)? I was able to use some trick to generate blank lines but then these blank lines will lost after being saved as a note.


fsgl wrote on Sunday, November 24, 2013:

A Static Text note will not permit free text, which stands to reason. If you have a blank space in the Static Text form, the user cannot subsequently fill it in with additional text.

To have both static and free text, you will need to add a free text portion. Start a new group and configure it with a textarea or textbox. It’s counterintuitive, but textboxes have larger text capacity than textareas.

I reworked the form in the 4.1.1 Demo, so take another look. I think that CAMOS will give a more polished look with greater flexibility.

No form will give you everything that you desire; probably not even the one that you built from scratch. The perfect should not be the enemy of the good. After all, this is just a clinical note, not a Hans Holbein the Younger portraiture. You decide.

simpleone81 wrote on Sunday, November 24, 2013:

thanks fsgl for the example. Yeah - there is no form for all purposes. I am trying to seek the ways that we can customize it with lease effort.