aperezcrespo wrote on Thursday, February 19, 2009:
Hi CAMOS users
How do I setup a CPT4/ICD9 combo and justify it within CAMOS. I tend to learn by example so a sample would be quite helpful.
aperezcrespo wrote on Thursday, February 19, 2009:
Hi CAMOS users
How do I setup a CPT4/ICD9 combo and justify it within CAMOS. I tend to learn by example so a sample would be quite helpful.
aperezcrespo wrote on Thursday, February 19, 2009:
For testing some documention that I found I tried this
/*billing::CPT4::80054::CMP:: :: ::50.00::V70.0*/ /*add a cmp for $50*/
/*billing::ICD9::V70.0::physical:: :: ::0.00*/
Justifying 800054 with V70.0 and it works fine…the informaton ends up in fee sheet and justified. But when I go to the billing page I am greeted with this for this entry.
And before you ask Yes it is an authorized administrative account.
Note: This code was not entered by an authorized user. Only authorized codes may be uploaded to the Open Medical Billing Network for processing. If you wish to upload these codes, please select an authorized user here.
I then have to go to notes and Authorization and Authorize this entry. This is not a problem if the person who did the entry is not authorized, but in this case the entry was made by the actual authorized administrative user (AKA the doctor).
Any clues?
xiaoanri wrote on Thursday, February 19, 2009:
Alfonso, we have been using CAMOS for entering billing info. I found the best way that works for us is to use "clone last visit" button and then submit the content. This will copy all billing info from last visit to current visit. Then I go to fee sheet and each individual code does need to be authorized (or deleted) there, and of course, new codes can be added there also. Hui
aperezcrespo wrote on Thursday, February 19, 2009:
Hi Hui
Understood, but now my question is:
If your ARE the authorized user why do you have to authorize again?
xiaoanri wrote on Thursday, February 19, 2009:
Alfonso, my understanding is that for EACH visit the billing codes need to be authorized by an authorized user. Just like if doing it on paper, the clinician needs to sign off the superbill for each visit. Since CAMOS automatically carried previous code to current visit, it needs to be authorized AGAIN…lots of trouble, I know, I imagine this might be the reason the developers made it this way. let me know your thought. Hui
aperezcrespo wrote on Thursday, February 19, 2009:
As an authorized user:
If I start an a encounter then I go to Fee Sheet and code the encounter this does not show up on the authorize list nor is it flagged on the billing screen for authorization.
But If I do something like this in CAMOS with the same authorized user:
/*billing::CPT4::80054::CMP:: :: ::50.00::V70.0*/ /*add a cmp for $50*/
/*billing::ICD9::V70.0::physical:: :: ::0.00*/
Including Justification in the code it ends up on the authorize list.
Is this not the same?
We are coding and justifying the encounter as an authorized user.
xiaoanri wrote on Thursday, February 19, 2009:
Alfonso, could you explain why you prefer to enter the codes in CAMOS rather than at the fee sheet? the potential advantage?
aperezcrespo wrote on Thursday, February 19, 2009:
Well simplification
One of my clients uses a specific set of codes (ICD/CPT) for a large number of visits. I don’t know how many but it must be quite often. The only thing that changes are the notes. So by placing the ICD, CPT and justification in CAMOS the only thing they need to do is change the note and submit all. The result is all coded and submitted for billing.
markleeds wrote on Sunday, February 22, 2009:
This is my fault. I am pretty much the only developer on CAMOS and I overlooked and did not totally understand the whole authorized thing. Since I enter all of my billing codes through CAMOS clone last visit, it explains why so many requests for authorization were building up on my home screen that I finally got an error for having too many. It is probably an easy fix. I am planning to update all of the files and fix whatever bugs have been reported here recently.
I would also like to create an easier way of getting billing entries into CAMOS without having to do clone last visit or enter them manually.
I also have a few groups of commonly entered icd9, cpt4 and copays that go together for convenience.
I honestly did not think that anyone was using CAMOS in real practice other than me. I know that Mike (mike-h30) is using it now because we have worked on it together extensively over email recently.
aperezcrespo wrote on Sunday, February 22, 2009:
It actually more than that on my end. It’s become something my clients jump when the see it.
And for the most part we don’t use the clone option. The coding may the same for two different encounters but we want to make SURE they change the notes.
By clicking through the menus we keep them alert.
Question about the 3-tier menus. Are all three required? Can one define an entry on (say) level two?
markleeds wrote on Sunday, February 22, 2009:
Do you mean jump in a good or bad way?
Regarding content entries for the first and second column. It is possible, but I avoided it because I thought it would be confusing. I am going to work on it so we can try it out.
aperezcrespo wrote on Sunday, February 22, 2009:
In a really good way, in fact its a selling point.
I have a few other ideas I’ll email them to you.