CAMOS forms will not install

blankev wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2009:

Thank you Ron, Sam, Brady, Joe and all others who are so active in this forum.

I must be a dummy since I am "the last to join the group", after more than a year of trial and error without success.

But now everything with OpenEMR 3.0.0 seems to work on the Internet Server as should.


After installation I can add many forms like Vitals-metric and others, but CAMOS (what I know from an earlier version as very handy) won’t install.

INSTALL DB for CAMOS gives an error half way the file somewhre at the level of "CHIEF Complaint"

and therefore I can not register CAMOS. ANd due to CAMOS is not registered, it can not be enabled.

Where to look for a solution?

TNx again for any support, Pimm

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2009:


I just confirmed this erro on the OpenEMR 3.0.0 demo.  The CVS demo works fine.  (Demos are on wiki).

Hopefully Mark can help out. We’re gonna need two fixes here. One for users who have already attempted to install CAMOS and one for users who have not installed CAMOS yet.


blankev wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2009:

I deleted:

in table.sql of CAMOS

Item 341 to 109)

now it loads and seems to works as should. So probably something between 340 and 347 got somehow an error.

I will miss some neurology CAMOS entries, but I will replace that in due time and for registration of the General Practitioner not of vital importance.

Tnx for hte quick reply!


blankev wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2009:


INSTALL DB worked fine after correction,

but after login OpenEMR  and current patient encounter, the Table CAMOS_xxxxx is not found, so it was not a complete solution. Tomorrow I will have another look into this matter. Tnx again so far.


markleeds wrote on Wednesday, March 18, 2009:

No need to try to fix it.  The current version in cvs is fixed.  I just got caught with a bad table.sql when the release was created.  Actually it is not bad SQL, but the form installer is limited in what it can handle.  Just download the current cvs code which is the best.  A planned feature for the future is import/export/merge so you can add updates to column data without losing what you have.  It will allow users to share their creations of CAMOS data structures with the community.  Sorry for the bad code getting caught in the release.  Rod says we can plan for a bug fix release now.

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, March 18, 2009:


  If were gonna keep this release around then we should figure out fixes; since most people don’t know what CVS is, and will download the official release.  The fix for users who haven’t tried to install CAMOS yet will be easy (just rec overwriting some files from CVS).  My main concern is what users do to clean up in case they tried to install CAMOS from 3.0.0 on their production server.

  Another possibility I suppose is sweeping this release under the carpet (hide it and don’t allow anymore downloads), and then release a 3.0.1 later. In that case I’d also remove the appliance release.  Since it’s early on we should decide this sooner rather than later.


markleeds wrote on Wednesday, March 18, 2009:


That would be great if we could get a second chance.  What is in cvs now would be adequate for the release.  With a day or two, I might straighten out a few other minor issues.

As far as cleaning up a bad install, just get the good files and start over.  If the form is already installed from a previous version, don’t try to re-install in the admin section.  Just copy the new files into the forms/CAMOS/ directory.  The database structure has not changed.

The most recent code is also available at


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, March 18, 2009:


The problem is that if it installs incorrectly then the ‘DB installed’ link doesn’t clear and there is no way to enable it.  Even by downloading the new sql file it doesn’t work becuase you then get an error that table already exist. On top of that mysql starts having problems so start seeing other mysql errors.  So, here’s the fix I have so far if you installed CAMOS in 3.0.0 :

1) restart the mysql server (for some reason the failed CAMOS install causes other widespread runtime errors in mysql, which seem to go away if restart the mysql server)

2) drop the following tables in OpenEMR’s admin->database

3) download below file to replace openemr/interface/forms/CAMOS/table.sql :*checkout*/openemr/openemr/interface/forms/CAMOS/table.sql?revision=1.10

4) then can install form normally

The only thing that’s worrisome are the other global mysql errors. Mysql’s not my area of expertise just want to make sure there’s no risk of corrupting the database if the user continues on despite the errors after a failed CAMOS install (these errors go away if restart mysql) service.  Here’s one error I get:
ERROR: query failed: select username, password from users where id = ‘1’
Error: Table ‘users’ was not locked with LOCK TABLES

For now I’m gonna shelf my OpenEMR Appliance release (only a couple downloads so far) and wait for the next bug fix release.  Doesn’t seem right to “take back” and OpenEMR release but I think that depends on whether there is any risk of database corruption with errors caused by above (help us Rod).


blankev wrote on Wednesday, March 18, 2009:

The revision as mentioned by Brady works fine via SQL install, after deleting the three CAMOS tables as mentioned earlier.

Now how do I activate CAMOS in the FORM sectio when logged in? Do I have to delete some files of can I activate CAMOS-form within phpMyAdmin?


markleeds wrote on Wednesday, March 18, 2009:


You are right.  I never should have touched table.sql, especially since the table structure did not change.  It is because I wanted to preload the tables with some useful data.  After doing this, I realized that there is a safer way to provide users with this data.  I will likely strip down table.sql to the basic table creation statements in the future.  I am sorry to have caused so much trouble.  A warning to users: do not do a fresh registration/install of CAMOS from the OpenEMR 3.0.0 release.  It may corrupt your database. :frowning:

blankev wrote on Wednesday, March 18, 2009:

Dear all,


This link gives a *.tar file. Upload and decompress in the right Directory.

If by accident you tried to do a not succesfull  install of CAMOS, then you have to delete the three earlier mentioned CAMOS tabels. Easy done with phpMyAdmin. Just click the faulty tabel and DROP (three times)

Unpack the *.tar file in openemr/interface/forms/CAMOS

Restart OpenEMR and  go to admin, go to FORMS and include database CAMOS and register.

I would not be surprised if the earlier version of CAMOS could than not be restored, but I supposed it will work.

Thanks a lot for the quick respons.

For me an adequate solution and lots of extra time for investigating and research of other things to explore in OpenEMR.

I suppose a little note near the OpenEMR 3.0.0. download will be enough till next version is available, since CAMOS and Vitals-metric etc. will only be installed after succesfull installation of OpenEMR.


ideaman911 wrote on Thursday, March 19, 2009:

Dr Bowen;

Does the 3/16/09 version you posted for Linux & Windows incorporate Mark’s fixes for Camos?  My guess is no, so we should post a warning for anyone who already has CAMOS data to NOT upgrade just yet.  Your thoughts?  (I’ll email you directly as well)  Looking for Windows users to fix this is inviting problems we should want to avoid.

Joe Holzer