Calender and Search Restriction of Patients based on authorization function

bb2013 wrote on Wednesday, January 29, 2014:

Does know how or tried to restrict which patients can be seen on the calender based on the authorizations set for those providers? For example, if provider 1 and provider 2 both see John Doe and Provider 3 doesn’t, we set the authorizations as “see only mine”. So when all 3 login into their own accounts, only 1 and 2 can see John but 3 can’t even pull him up on search nor see him on the calender. In fact, it would nice if when a provider logs in he/she can only see their patients on the calender. Tagging a patient belonging to the provider is in Demographics/Choices. It is easy to create another layout based field called Provider 2, 3…

I know these restrictions may require some coding but I would imagine it can be done without changing
the basic architecture of the system. Please advise.
