tekknogenius wrote on Thursday, May 05, 2005:
How do you change the calendar for different hours for different days? For example M - W 9 - 5, Th 9-7, Fr 9-12, Sat 9-12.
tekknogenius wrote on Thursday, May 05, 2005:
How do you change the calendar for different hours for different days? For example M - W 9 - 5, Th 9-7, Fr 9-12, Sat 9-12.
sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, May 05, 2005:
In globals.php you can set the starting and ending hour which applies to every day of the week. Then for each practitioner you must create repeating in-office and out-of-office events, which can be different for each day of the week.
– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>