The Outlook calendar search page works great. However, the default search (button top right of default calendar) seems to never return anything (‘No Results’). Seems like a bug or am I missing something.
Probably an old bug that’s been around a long time. Much like the other odd behaviors of the old default calendar style. Such as, change your view to ‘month’ and suddenly the whole top layout of the calendar is different.
Are we changing the default calendar style to Outlook or keeping it with the old "default"?
I can take a look at this bug since I know the calendar stuff pretty well.
For the 3.1.0 release, should leave calendar as the old default, but after that my vote is to go to Outlook. This would force us to modify the Outlook to accept clicks on times along with several other mods (I’ll dig up in forum the thread where we discussed this).
It would be awesome if you fixed the bug. I Looked through the code briefly; could we just send all searches (including default and fancy), to your the "outlook" search page? Seems like it would work. Then can send the "old" search page to the great beyond.
The trouble is coming from the limited search options in the "default" search view combined with the cobbled together search logic in pnuserapi.php.
I *DID* find a bug in there that was affecting the Outlook calendar.
I’d like to alter the search logic; clean it up. But it might break something else. The logic is so thick that I’m afraid we can’t avoid damaging something during the surgury. I’ll do my best and hopefully restore the functionality of the “default” search and at the same time make the logic a little easier to follow.
Yeah, completely eliminating the old search is fine by me. In fact, if you hadn’t mentioned it I never would have gone in that direction. Thank you for saving me from additional headaches!
I’ll commit my changes to the HEAD and v310 branch.
I think the default style should not be based on a MS style. This is exactly the thing that could cause us to attract "official" MS attention, a fight we would certainly lose, and would potentially endanger the project as a whole.
Well, we could change the name of the calendar from ‘Outlook’ to ‘default’ and the current default could be changed to ‘original’. I only chose the name ‘Outlook’ because of name recognition since it wasn’t the default calendar at the time.
In reality the calendar style is based on Google Calendar, Palm Desktop, and Outlook. All combined in various ways to a new interface.
Changing the name is a trivial matter and only affects one or two source code files.
Agreed, but only make this change to the development tip (not the 3.1.0 release). This view still needs a little more work (clickable times etc.).