Calendar schedule incorrectly displaying

docmanager wrote on Monday, October 20, 2008:


I’m attempting to upgrade our system from 2.8.1 to 2.9.0 and I’m having trouble with the display of the schedule.  Rather than displaying 15 minute time blocks for each provider (as in this screen:, the schedule displays only the 8:00 time slot.  Appointments can be added, but they appear in the column to the right of the 8:00 time slot.  For example, if I add an appointment for John Smith at 10am then I get an entry in the 8:00 time slot saying “10:00-Smith, John”.

Functionally everything seems to be working, but it’s just not displaying the appointments correctly.  I also tried stepping up through versions and have the same problem just going from 2.8.1 to 2.8.2.

Scanning through some other threads here I saw mention of a start and end time for the schedule in globals.php and verified the start is 8 and the end is 14.

Any ideas?


sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, October 20, 2008:

It sounds like you need to add the "In Office" and "Out of Office" events.


cfapress wrote on Tuesday, October 21, 2008:

Rod’s got it right. In the default calendar display you MUST define “in office” and “out of office” events for each provider in your calendar. If you change your calendar style to ‘Outlook’ you won’t need to define those events to see them properly displayed in the calendar. To change the calendar style edit your users. The calendar style is a per-user setting so change it for each of your users.


docmanager wrote on Tuesday, October 21, 2008:

Thanks, guys!  After playing around with the settings for the “In Office” category I’ve finally got it working.
