Calendar not showing up

igtoth wrote on Thursday, February 19, 2009:

I just installed and everything is ok, except for the Calendar portion. I blank page is displayd when clicking in the Calendar option. Am I missing something ?



drbowen wrote on Thursday, February 19, 2009:

What operating system are you running?

This can happen if you have not created the compiled and cache directories.

It also happens if you do not have enough memory set in the php.ini files.  (default is usually 64 meg but you need 128 meg).

Sam Bowen, MD

igtoth wrote on Thursday, February 19, 2009:

Hi Sam,

thanks for quick answer.

I am using Fedora 10

hmm… I think that is my problem… not sure why but the php/apache are not being able to open/write files. problem happened w/ config files when I was instaling so I changed them manully. what is strange I have changed the file permissions to 777 (chmod a+wr, also chmod 0777) but still no luck. about the php max-memory I changed before installed openemr to 80. I’ll change it to 128. I tried to research in the internet about the php issue not opening files, also I checked the SELinux options, and also searched for some bug w/ fopen(), all Apache is allowed in SELinux, and no report bug for fopen, I am stuck .do know something about it ?



drbowen wrote on Thursday, February 19, 2009:

The fact that the top page is white means it is the Calender that is having the trouble.  The calender is the most memory intensive part of OpenEMR and really needs 128 meg. 

I haven’t really used Fedora Core.  The SELinux is much more secure but much less convenient at the same time.  You may have to set the SELinux security level to 0 to debug things.  If this is an SELinux problem you may have to ask on the Fedora Core forums because you will be able to get more expert advice on how to debug the security issues.

Sam Bowen

igtoth wrote on Friday, February 20, 2009:

you’re right … I changed to 140 MB and it is working now…


the table is messed …

like starts with 9:00 on the a first colomn and nothing else is showed . only 9:00 … if I add a new appointment like for example 10:00 so, a new colomn right next the 9:00 is added. instead showing a NEW line right below 9:00

tried w/ IE and FireFox… same results.

is this a known issue ?



ideaman911 wrote on Friday, February 20, 2009:

One issue you might have is the settings for start and stop for the DAY.  Look at …/interface/globals.php around line 185 (v 2.9.1-dev) for

$GLOBALS[‘schedule_start’] = 8;
$GLOBALS[‘schedule_end’] = 20;

Your numbers may be different.  And also look below that for

$GLOBALS[‘calendar_interval’] = 15;

With those settings you create the default parameters of your view.  I suggest the "fancy" view which you select using Admin - User and edit the user involved (note you must logout before it becomes effective), and I also suggest you implement my changes to the Month view shown elsewhere in the forums, which makes it work and look just like a Day Timer book.

Joe Holzer

( I can’t believe I am advising here - I do Windows :wink:

drbowen wrote on Friday, February 20, 2009:

This is normal behavior until you have the calender configured.  The Calender will look like this until you put an “In Office” event.  Go to Rod Roark’s how to configure the calender:

Sam Bowen, MD