Calendar issues

duanemorrow wrote on Friday, September 22, 2006:

This is a new server installation, no data yet.
Using the cvs 2.8.2-dev version.

There is only one time showing in the calendar 8:00

The user manual on the site shows times at 15min intervals.

When I log in as physician or front office person and click the 8:00 nothing happens (trying to add event). I tried in ms-explorer and firefox. I checked and made sure popups were not being blocked.

physmed wrote on Friday, September 22, 2006:

Try clicking on the time and then click on the add button in the right hand side of that screen.  That will pop up the add event screen and you can click the button to give you the in office event screen and go from there as per the instructions that Rod has in

duanemorrow wrote on Saturday, September 23, 2006:

Didn’t help. I click the 8:00 or the add button and nothing happens. Javascript version issue?

physmed wrote on Saturday, September 23, 2006:

Possibly.  Check on your version I believe it should be in the 2.x level for everything to function properly.

sunsetsystems wrote on Saturday, September 23, 2006:

You might check your PHP log for errors.  Also your browser’s JavaScript console.


duanemorrow wrote on Saturday, September 23, 2006:

Okay, some more testing…

If you log into the demo site as Dr.White and click the first appointment time 800 the add event works and a window opens.

If you then switch the view to all users and then click a time nothing happens.

If you switch back to view Ronald, White only and then click a time now nothing happens and the add event never works.

If you log out and then back in as Dr.White and click a time it then works again.

So I don’t think its my javascript version issue. I have the most up todate versions of explore/firefox/mozilla. I’m running javascript version 1.6.

I think it must be a smarty issue.

sunsetsystems wrote on Saturday, September 23, 2006:

Looks like the stylesheet in the demo installation begins with a line of garbage.  From the Firefox JavaScript console:

Error: Expected identifier for pseudo-class or pseudo-element but found ‘{’.  Ruleset ignored due to bad selector.
Source File:
Line: 2

Dunno is that is causing your problem.  It seems OK in CVS.


duanemorrow wrote on Saturday, September 23, 2006:

The version I had from CVS didn’t work

duanemorrow wrote on Saturday, September 23, 2006:

Since the documents section in the CVS version is not working, the CVS version is not an option anyway.

duanemorrow wrote on Sunday, September 24, 2006:

Okay, its frickin 2am, and I’ve been trying to figure this thing out all dang day and night.

Why doesn’t the add event to the calandar work.
Well here is why boys and girls.
After tracing through and debugging dialog.js topmodial.js add_edit_event.php and checking that popups/windows were allowed in firefox/explorer. I keep seeing this type of javascript code in all my pages and couldn’t figure out where in the heck it was coming from…


function SymError()
  return true;

window.onerror = SymError;

var SymRealWinOpen =;

function SymWinOpen(url, name, attributes)
  return (new Object());
} = SymWinOpen;


So I did a search of it…and low and behold if you  have Norton Internet Security Suite installed, check its popup blocking setting. If its turned on Norton adds this to all your web pages you view. It blocks your popups.
Can you tell I’m a little po’d

sunsetsystems wrote on Sunday, September 24, 2006:

Security add-ons often cause more problems than they solve.  That’s one of the reasons I use Linux on my desktop… you just don’t need all that garbage.


mborchorst wrote on Wednesday, September 27, 2006:

I have the same symptoms as described using the 2.8.2 dev version. No matter if i acces oemr from a windows machine or a linux one. Im not able to "find available" when trying to book an appointment. it replies "no openings found. even though no appointments are registerd.

Maybe its a problem with my calender setup. as im a total newbie with OpenEMR.

Does there exist a sort of howto in setting op the calendar?

sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, September 27, 2006:

You need to enter IN (in office) and OUT (out of office) events to indicate when the doctor(s) are in, before "find available" will be useful.

Usually IN and OUT are set up as repeating events, with IN at the beginning of each day and OUT at the end.  However you might have multiple IN/OUT pairs each day to show different preferred appointment categories.

Hope this helps.


cyberandroid wrote on Friday, May 11, 2007:


Where do we enter the in office and out office times???  Thanks.