Calendar events

omo66 wrote on Thursday, August 28, 2008:

How could I prevent the front desk user (not authorized) from changing doctors created vists slots ???  it could happen by mistake.

I want only to allow front desk user to use (e.g no show, in-room, arrived etc…) and to be able to schedule and reschedule patients??

I have tried to fix this by using phpgACL by testing it  EMR-appliance and added users to both EMR and ACL but no luck. The frontdesk user still could mess up a allready made schedule…

What file should i I change to make the events window only appear with admin priveleges??

Any help or comments

Thanks to all

omo66 wrote on Saturday, August 30, 2008:

no answer to this question?

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, August 30, 2008:


    I don’t think php-gacl has a control to limit this. The best way to play with the gacl controls is using the below cvs demo, since its much more straightforward to change the specific acl controls within OpenEMR(new in version 2.9) by going to the admin=>acl menu:
(play around with this to your hearts content and don’t worry about breaking this thing, it resets to original state every morning)

    I’m confused to your request; how can the front desk user schedule and re-schedule patients if they can’t access the events window.  What would happen if a patient calls in to re-schedule a “doctor created” appointment?


omo66 wrote on Sunday, August 31, 2008:

thank you for response.
I would leave events such as  "cancel, no show etc…)
The in-office event or others would be potential source for adding wrong events.
I will try your suggestions.
Could you also comment also on my other question "ImageMagick "
Thank you alot.

cfapress wrote on Monday, September 08, 2008:

It sounds like you’re looking for fine-grained security. OpenEMR doesn’t have that right out-of-the-box. It would require additional PHP code and phpGACL work. A lot of the security is to prevent access and not to prevent accidental editing.
