On patients where we’ve entered data the “by” lines are showing as blank.
As in “Vitals by …” “Patient Encounter by …” “Speech Dictation by …” and “Review of Systems Check by …”.
Has anyone encountered this before? Know the fix?
Thank you.
This code was actually recently modified by myself to fix a bug which was being reported that encounter documents were being showed as reported by the user that created it rather than the provider (so, in cases where the encounter was auto-populated, was showing the scheduler rather than than the provider). Appears would be best to combine the previous functionality with the current functionality (Patient Encounter uses the new code while the other forms use the old code).
At the encounter level, it’s working great. When you go to the patient’s demographics > report > generate, it displays the staff member that marked them as “arrived” on the calendar as the physician.
The likely reason for this is that “Arrived” creates an encounter. This encounter will be “owned” by the userid that created it, hence the Frontdesk person.
Each form in the encounter is “owned” by the user that creates it. The “By:” line is NOT the authorizing provider, it’s the user that created the form.
One: That should perhaps say “Entered By:” And the overall report should include authorizing provider in addition to that information.
Two: On a report you are giving to a patient, there is NO need to list the staff members that entered the data, so splitting the “internal view” from the “patient copy” seems appropriate to me.
This issue should be moved to the Developer forum I think.
That fixed the way it displays on the encounter itself. The issue that remains from this is when you go to the patient’s demographics > Report and generate the associated encounter’s forms. It displays the user who marked the patient as “arrived” on the calendar as the Provider.