Business Model for companies doing SAS w OpenEMR

vwfeature wrote on Monday, February 08, 2016:

Have you considered the business model used by Practice Fusion- it’s
FREE to the practice- they get their $$ through analyzing (anonymized) data and selling it.
A great model for OSS.

NOthing beats free.

fsgl wrote on Monday, February 08, 2016:

Free is not really free if there are strings attached.

See here why it’s a poor model for FOSS.

aethelwulffe wrote on Monday, February 08, 2016:

That ain’t FOSS. FOSS is either FOSS or isn’t FOSS. (:?)

tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, February 09, 2016:

It’s not a bad business model, but it does require a substantial capital investment to do. I’d be happy to set that up for anyone that want’s to invest $1M to start me going. :slight_smile:

Heck might be good for OEMR… just need the capital funding (grant?)
