Bug Report: Billing Manager Marked as Cleared not working as designed

Sorry, I forgot about the new BillingUtilities class. I usually let git or PhpStorm help me with the conflicts between version. Git is good about place marking conflicts but PhpStorm will allow you to select version to overwrite new version where they differ.
For sure Brady or I have no plans to create any new patches for 501 but if you need this for 501, it is doable without too much work.

If you could post a file here for 501 that would be helpful. Thank you.

Iā€™d didnā€™t say iā€™d do it. I just suggest it is not too hard to doā€¦

Gotcha!! Working on it nowā€¦ Iā€™ll post it when I am finished with the diff.


There are some questions about the billing manager. Could you please review these and splain?

Iā€™ve been wondering about the new functions from the cleared/not/cleared/marked for billing(?)/etc from the X12 and 1500 since the update. The thing in particular I donā€™t get are the available options.
1 Validate and Clear - Validate I get but the explanation of the clear sets the status only to billed leaving billing unaltered and claim submissions reset to unsubmitted.
What is the billing process they are talking about being unaltered and resets the claim to unsubmitted? In the other system language a claim marked as ā€œClearedā€ indicates it has been billed (or is this incorrect logic - Iā€™m honestly unsure). This states it is validating and clear, and then it doesnt? Very confusing.
2 Validate only - No issues here - itā€™s self explanatory and reacts as expected.
3 Continue - When the continue button is selected it creates the file and should mark the encounter as normal (is this cleared?) but it doesnt. This leads me to believe there is some language here Iā€™m not understanding or the description is off, or, something else entirely.

Can you essplain all of this? Since the update this has become more functional but more confusing as well.

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hereā€™s a new issue for this